Can you wax if you have sensitive skin
Sensitive skin can be waxed, but some precautions and contraindications should be considered. Waxing the hair off the skin is amazing to touch and can stay this way for about three weeks. The hairs grow back soft because it has to be generated

from the depths of your skin. The problem is that the skin has mild exfoliation when you get it waxed. If you are more sensitive than the first time you wax, your skin may react. Reactions can include redness and bumps that take longer to heal than the average person. Sometimes the bumps can become hives and spread causing itching and irritation. This is why a good experienced esthetician would be your best option as these estheticians are skin care specialists who know how to condition your skin during the process and can sell you a healing cream to help reduce the redness and bumps. They should provide some pre-waxing instructions and send you home with post-waxing instructions. You should not wax if you have eczema or psoriasis or take blood thinners. These are conditions that would not do well with waxing and could result in more harm to your already sensitive skin. It takes about 4 to 5 times of waxing for your skin to get used to waxing. It will become less sensitive and therefore will also be less painful. Many who wax on maintenance (every 5 weeks) have the best results because their skin has become accustomed to the process.